Landlords: One month left to renew smoke/heat detectors

Posted: 1/11/2024

Landlords have just one more month to comply with The Smoke, Heat and Carbon Monoxide Alarms for Private Tenancies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 or face fines and/or prosecution. 

The new regs require that for all existing tenancies, private rented homes MUST comply by 1st December 2024. It is also now illegal to create a new tenancy without complying with the regs and has been since 1st September 2024. 

In addition to enforcement action, landlords who ignore the regs could find that their tenancy agreements become invalid, and indeed the same for their insurance. That could result in difficult enforcing tenancy terms such as payment or gaining possession, or an insurer refusing to pay out in the event of a claim such as a fire. 

Whilst we have been busy updating all our client-landlord properties, we are still talking to landlords who do not use an agent and have no idea about the legislation, placing themselves at risk. In addition, we are aware that some landlords and technicians have misunderstood the regs and not upgraded correctly. Thankfully we at Key One Property can help you, but don't leave it until it's too late!


Key One Property offer letting and management services at competitive rates for landlords. 


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