Tenant evicted and ordered to pay over £3,500 + costs

Posted: 19/12/2024

A tenant who scammed his landlords of rent money has been evicted from his home and ordered to pay more than £3,500 plus costs to the landlords. Lee Barker of Ferryhill, Co Durham was renting a property managed by us when he stopped paying rent. Whilst some tenants genuinely struggle, and we will work with those people and always try and avoid eviction or a court action, Barker just refused to pay a penny and tried to live free of charge at the landlords' expense.

We are permitted to disclose this information as repossession orders are public records. This means that when Mr Barker applies for another tenancy, this record will be available for agents, landlords and their referencing providers to see. This will make obtaining accommodation in the future extremely difficult. In addition, providers of credit, insurers and some goods and services can see the order and can refuse those services or charge more for them. Even some employers are now carrying out CCJ checks as part of background vetting. 

The money part of the order can also be enforced, and this can also involve applying to take money from salaries or benefits until all the money and costs are retrieved.

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